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@article{ Rubin2009,
 title = {The entitlement approach – a case for framework development rather than demolition},
 author = {Rubin, Olivier},
 journal = {Journal of Development Studies},
 number = {4},
 pages = {621-640},
 volume = {45},
 year = {2009},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article dismisses most of the objections previously forwarded in this journal by Khandakar Qudrat-I Elahi against Amartya Sen's framework for famine analysis: the entitlement approach. Instead, the article argues that even thirty years after the conception of the entitlement approach, it remains a potent framework for famine analysis, as illustrated by the recent 2005 famine. However, as contemporary famines are increasingly linked to factors that have hitherto received limited attention in entitlement analysis – conflicts, legal collapses and political struggles – the article calls for supplementary famine analysis on the meso and macro levels.},