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@article{ Koschatzky2007,
 title = {Which Side of the Coin? The Regional Governance of Science and Innovation},
 author = {Koschatzky, Knut and Kroll, Henning},
 journal = {Regional Studies},
 number = {8},
 pages = {1115-1127},
 volume = {41},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper deals with the impact of recent trends in the devolution of political powers in science, technology and innovation policies by addressing the problems and opportunities resulting from this regionalisation. It argues that a number of problems are associated with regionalisation because the emerging multi-level governance structures turn political action into a complex bargaining process between actor groups with partially conflicting interests. On this basis, the paper sketches the theoretical potentials and limitations of science, technology and innovation policy designed at the regional level. Based on regional evidence from the German federal system, it demonstrates which policy aspects are suitable for devolution to regional governments and how they can be integrated in multi-level governance structures.},
 keywords = {Bremen; Bremen}}