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@article{ Kubát2010,
 title = {The Party System in Central Europe after 20 Years (Standard or Exceptional?)},
 author = {Kubát, Michal},
 journal = {Politics in Central Europe},
 number = {1},
 pages = {124-132},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2010},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is a brief consideration of the state of the party system in Central Europe, in the sense of its position in wider theoretical and comparative contexts of democracy as such and within Western European models. Does Central Europe differ from Western Europe? Is Central European democracy, including the political party system, qualitatively different from Western European democracy? This text fi rst examines the issue of the consolidation of democracy in Central Europe,
then explores the relationships between the consolidation of democracy and the political party system in the region and fi nally tries to fi nd an answer to the question of the standard or exceptional nature of Central European democracy and the Central European political party system in relation to Western Europe. The result of this examination is the fi nding of an absence of qualitative difference between Central and Western Europe in terms of the aspects referred to above.},