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@book{ Brockmann2006,
 title = {10th International Summer School "Global Challenges, Global Actors - Sharing Responsibility for a Secure World in the 21st Century": Berlin, 9-22 July 2006 ; final report},
 author = {Brockmann, Kathrin and Hauck, Hans Bastian},
 year = {2006},
 series = {DGAP-Bericht},
 pages = {26},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.},
 issn = {1866-9182},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Security challenges in the 21st century have trans-border effects and can no longer be dealt with by nation states alone. To address these challenges a wide spectrum of actors, including international and regional organizations, national and local institutions, as well as NGOs and civil society need to engage in a multilateral and concerted approach. During the International Summer School, participants and renowned speakers examine contemporary security challenges, such as terrorism and homeland security, state failure and democratization, energy security, demography and migration. In this light, prioritites and strategies of global actors like the EU, US, China, NATO, UN and OSCE, but also NGOs and private actors are assessed." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {international relations; institution; Akteur; national state; Migration; security; Staat; Demographie; demography; 21. Jahrhundert; twenty-first century; social actor; security policy; Institution; nation; internationale Organisation; democratization; Nation; Sicherheitspolitik; international organization; Demokratisierung; migration; Sicherheit; internationale Beziehungen; terrorism; Terrorismus}}