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@book{ Rässler2003,
 title = {Multiple imputation for unit-nonresponse versus weighting including a comparison with a nonresponse follow-up study},
 author = {Rässler, Susanne and Schnell, Rainer},
 year = {2003},
 pages = {21},
 address = {Konstanz},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"The results of a national fear of crime survey are compared with results following the use of different nonresponse correction procedures. We compared naive estimates, weighted estimates, estimates after a thorough nonresponse follow-up and estimates after multiple imputation. A strong similarity between the MI and the follow-up-estimates was found. This
suggests, that if the assumptions of MAR hold, carefully selected and collected additional data applied in a MI could yield similar estimates to a nonresponse
follow-up at a much lower price and respondent burden." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Antwortverhalten; Kriminalität; survey; interview; data; Befragung; Methode; method; anxiety; Interview; criminality; response behavior; survey research; Umfrageforschung; Daten; Angst}}