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@book{ Mau2001,
 title = {Patterns of popular support for the welfare state: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Germany},
 author = {Mau, Steffen},
 year = {2001},
 series = {Veröffentlichung / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Forschungsschwerpunkt Sozialer Wandel, Institutionen und Vermittlungsprozesse, Abteilung Sozialstruktur und Sozialberichterstattung},
 pages = {30},
 volume = {01-405},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"This paper deals with the problems of social acceptance and social support of the welfare state. It starts with a brief presentation of approaches which infer in an immediate way from the self-interest of the citizens as welfare beneficiaries ('beneficial involvement') to the question of social acceptance. Although the importance of this factor is undisputed, the conceptual reliance on a purely interest-defined understanding remains insufficient since it does not explain why the welfare state institutions also find social acceptance amongst groups which are not net-beneficiaries. The issue of how social support is constituted will be reframed in three respects. Firstly, the supportive attitudes towards the welfare state are not solely motivated by the benefit status, they are also related to the expectation of returns. Thereby the welfare institutions are perceived as guarantors of intertemporal risk balancing. This expectation of future benefits makes people willing to accept an enormous redistribution from welfare contributors to receivers. Secondly, it will be argued that the normative dimension, i.e. what people find equitable, just and fair, can be viewed as a complementary dimension of self-interest without which the phenomena of social acceptance or disregard cannot be grasped. Thirdly, the institutional architecture of welfare programmes will be introduced as the crucial determinant of the codetermination of self-interest and the normativity. By comparing the United Kingdom and Germany (East and West), the relation between institutional designs and individual orientations will be investigated more in detail. At first, the institutional architecture of both welfare states will be presented with special emphasis on the mode of interest integration in terms of 'beneficial involvement' and the conditions of 'return expectations', on the one hand, and the 'normative references', on the other. In a subsequent analysis of the attitudinal patterns within the different welfare regimes, this perspective will be sharpened further. Databasis will be the ISSP 1996 (International Social Survey Programme) with its module 'Role of Government'. Within different fields of social policy (pension, unemployment, income redistribution) it will be looked at the group-specific effects of the institutional architecture and the extent of attitudinal differentiation. From this, some conclusions will be drawn of how welfare institutions condition and generate social acknowledgement and support." (author's abstract)"Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der sozialen Akzeptanz und der sozialen Unterstützung, die der britische und der deutsche Wohlfahrtsstaat erfahren. Er beginnt mit einer Kritik jener Ansätze, die das Eigeninteresse sozialstaatlicher Leistungsempfänger bei der Erklärung von Einstellungen zum Wohlfahrtsstaat in den Vordergrund rücken. Man geht davon aus, daß auch normative Gründe eine Rolle für die politische Ökonomie von Wohlfahrtsstaaten spielen. Wichtig ist es daher, sozialpolitische Institutionen nicht nur nach ihren interessenbindenden Qualitäten zu beurteilen, sondern gleichfalls im Hinblick auf ihre normativen Leitprinzipien zu beleuchten. Der empirische Teil untersucht die Sozialpolitikfelder der Rentenpolitik, der Arbeitslosenunterstützung und der Einkommensumverteilung. Dabei werden zunächst die jeweiligen institutionellen Charakteristiska benannt, um darauf aufbauend die Einstellungsmuster zu interpretieren. Es zeigen sich deutliche Länderunterschiede hinsichtlich der Unterstützung des Wohlfahrtsstaates. Datenbasis ist das International Social Survey Programme 1996 (ISSP), das ein Fragenmodul zur 'Rolle der Regierung' enthält." (Autorenreferat)},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; soziale Norm; social policy; international comparison; welfare state; future perspective; social norm; Federal Republic of Germany; Großbritannien; sozialer Wandel; Leitbild; internationaler Vergleich; Normativität; Great Britain; normativity; example; social change; Zukunftsperspektive; Sozialpolitik; Wohlfahrtsstaat}}