Endnote export


%T From project to policy reform: experiences of German development cooperation
%E Altenburg, Tilman
%P 146
%V 27
%D 2007
%@ 978-3-88985-344-8
%= 2010-07-06T15:55:00Z
%~ USB Köln
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-109895
%U http://www.die-gdi.de/die_homepage.nsf/6f3fa777ba64bd9ec12569cb00547f1b/6f2a02709bd3a3ffc12572670041c938/$FILE/Internetfassung%20Studie%2027%20Altenburg%20ed..pdf
%X "This study deals with one specific form of donor support for policy reform,
namely donor-financed policy reform programmes that are based on
a combination of pilot projects and high-level advice – so called multilevel
approaches. German development agencies argue that policy reform
processes involve complex societal changes and can therefore not be decreed
and implemented through top-down processes. According to their
argument, high-level policy advisory services that are not embedded in
processes of societal change can offer blueprints but not tailor-made solutions
and are therefore rarely able to bring about lasting change. They
insist that good policy solutions need to be tested in practice, and stake holder support needs to be built through participatory learning processes.
GTZ in particular claims to have a competitive advantage vis-à-vis other
donors that do not offer as much “multi-level competence” and processbased
policy support.
The purpose of the present volume is to see how successful multi-level
approaches work in practice, especially to what extent good policy support
actually requires a micro- or project-level foundation. This gives rise to
questions regarding the operational setup of such processes: E.g. how
feedback loops between implementation of pilot projects, capacity-building
in service delivery, and policymaking are best organized; what role
formal and informal procedures play in the policymaking process, and
who the most influential change agents are; how a succession of microlevel
experiments, codification of experiences, norm-setting and enforcement
of new rules should be timed and sequenced, and what time spans are
required to manage such iterative processes." [author's abstract]
%C Bonn
%G en
%9 Sammelwerk
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info