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@book{ Schiefer1998,
 title = {A Cooperação da Sociedade Civil Portuguesa na Área da Solidariedade Social},
 author = {Schiefer, Ulrich and Morais, Ana Mafalda and Reis Batista, António Manuel and Rodrigues, Cristina and Maia e Carmo, João and Afonso, Manuela and Gandra, Maria Leonor and Ribeiro, Mário},
 year = {1998},
 pages = {397},
 address = {Lisbon},
 publisher = {Centro de Estudos Africanos do Instituto de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (CEA-ISCTE)},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {bürgerschaftliches Engagement; civil society; non-governmental organization; combating poverty; Armutsbekämpfung; foundation; municipality; Africa; soziale Sicherung; Stiftung; Kooperation; Kirche; Afrika; church; social security; Partizipation; Gemeinde; Entwicklungshilfe; Portugal; Portugal; participation; nichtstaatliche Organisation; development aid; Zivilgesellschaft; citizens' involvement; cooperation}}