Results for Discipline:
Hits 1-10 within 886 documents
Wybrane koncepcje polityki społecznej związane ze starzeniem się ludności [collection article]
Source: Fundacja SocLab, 2014
Zwischen Heim und daheim: die Munderkingen-Studie zum Wandel pflegekultureller Orientierungen [journal article]
Source: SWS-Rundschau, 41 (2001) 4. p.405-419
Smart living in old age: options and implementation [journal article]
Source: GeroBilim - Journal on Social & Psychological Gerontology, (2010) 1
Editorial on the special issue "Ageing populations, reversing early retirement and the economic situation of older people in modern societies" [journal article]
Source: Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 38 (2013) 4. p.797-800