Hits 1-10 within 878 documents
Blood, taxes, and public opinion: the political costs of war [journal article]
Source: WZB-Mitteilungen, (2011) 133. p.15-17
Die Eurobarometermacher auf der Zauberinsel: Konstruktion einer europäischen öffentlichen Meinung durch Umfrageforschung [journal article]
Source: SWS-Rundschau, 48 (2008) 3. p.356-361
Thinking about the media: a review of theory and research on media perceptions, media effects perceptions, and their consequences [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 5 (2017). p.35-83
Discourse 'Decommunisation' in a Public Plane of Contemporary Ukrainian Information Space [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2016) 68. p.1-6