Hits 1-10 within 188 documents
Historical evolution of federal finances in India [journal article]
Source: Federal Governance, 9 (2012) 1. p.27-44
Einfluss der Tourismusintensität auf die finanzielle Performance von Gemeinden [research report]
Source: EURAC research, 2015
Tax Revenue and Government Expenditure in Sri Lanka: An Econometric AEG Testing Approach [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2016) 66. p.31-37
How does neopatrimonialism affect the African state? The case of tax collection in Zambia [journal article]
Source: The Journal of Modern African Studies, 45 (2007) 4. p.621-645
The importance of a medium-term budgetary framework in enhancing the sustainability of public finances [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2015) 53. p.86-93