Hits 1-10 within 312 documents
No winds of change: Taiwan's 2012 national elections and the post-election fallout [journal article]
Source: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 41 (2012) 3. p.143-161
The presidential, parliamentary and local elections in Malawi, May 2014 [journal article]
Source: Africa Spectrum, 50 (2015) 1. p.79-92
Unruhe im System: seit Macrons Wahl wandelt sich die französische Parteienlandschaft [working paper]
Putsch in Honduras: Störfall in der defekten Demokratie [journal article]
Source: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, (2010) 1. p.82-95
The 2013 elections in Zimbabwe: end of an era for human rights discourse? [journal article]
Source: Africa Spectrum, 48 (2013) 3. p.99-110
Escenarios electorales para México 2006: el juego de Simon [journal article]
Source: Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, (2006) 1. p.35-55