Hits 1-10 within 40 documents
A Comparison of Results from a Spanish and English Mail Survey: Effects of Instruction Placement on Item Missingness [journal article]
Source: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, (2013). p.13
Befragungsmethoden reviewed: face-to-face, telefonisch oder postalisch? [journal article]
Source: Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, 21 (1998) 2. p.162-171
Rücklauf und systematische Verzerrungen bei postalischen Befragungen: eine Analyse der Bürgerumfrage Halle 2003 [journal article]
Source: ZUMA Nachrichten, 29 (2005) 57. p.55-78
Organic farming as rational choice: empirical investigations in environmental decision making [journal article]
Source: Rationality and Society, 21 (2009) 2. p.197-224
Differential response rates in postal and web-based surveys in older respondents [journal article]
Source: Survey Research Methods, 3 (2009) 1. p.1-6