Hits 1-10 within 2107 documents
Schwere Zeiten für multilateralen Freihandel [journal article]
Source: ifo Schnelldienst, 61 (2008) 23. p.12-15
Russia-EU energy efficiency cooperation in the Baltic region: the untapped potential [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, (2014) 1. p.21-33
Normative Familienbilder für Afrika: das UN-Übereinkommen und die Afrikanische Charta über die Rechte des Kindes [journal article]
Source: Afrika Spectrum, 42 (2007) 2. p.275-300
Multipolarity and the future of economic regionalism [journal article]
Source: International theory : a journal of international politics, law and philosophy, 9 (2017) 1. p.101-135
On the establishment and early activity of the Soviet consulate in Königsberg (1923-1925) [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, (2012) 2. p.44-52