Hits 1-10 within 269 documents
"Erklär' mir die Welt" - neoliberale Bewusstseinsarbeit am Beispiel des Wiener Hayek Instituts [journal article]
Source: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 36 (2007) 2. p.201-218
Degradation of higher education in Kazakhstan as an example of post-transitional crisis [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2015) 54. p.26-33
Professionelle Institutionensysteme oder Teilsysteme der Gesellschaft? [journal article]
Source: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 19 (1990) 5. p.329-344
How to measure interpersonal trust? A comparison of two different measures [journal article]
Source: ZA-Information / Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, (2004) 55. p.85-98
Problems of intellectual and political accountability in respect of emerging european Roma policy [journal article]
Source: JEMIE - Journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe, (2001) 1. p.9
Kollektive Interessenregulierung in der 'betriebsratsfreien Zone': typische Formen 'Anderer Vertretungsorgane' [journal article]
Source: Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 16 (2009) 2. p.136-153
Ethnic identity, informal institutions, and the failure to elect women in Indigenous Southern Mexico [journal article]
Source: Journal of Politics in Latin America, 5 (2013) 3. p.3-33
Reforming international environmental governance: an institutionalist critique of the proposal for a World Environment Organisation [journal article]
Source: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 4 (2004) 4. p.359-381
Die "Organisation" der Arbeit [collection]
Source: Hampp, 2005
(Arbeit, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit, 1)