Hits 1-10 within 105 documents
Experimentelle Entwicklung eines Prototyps für das Monitoring von Entwicklungsverläufen in einem Forschungsfeld [collection article]
Source: Klinkhardt, 2015
Behavioral Considerations in Developing Web Information Systems: User-centered Design Agenda [journal article]
Source: Journal of Cyberspace Studies, 2 (2018) 1. p.127-143
Digitising and Providing Access to Socio-Medical Case Records: The Case of George Brown's Work [journal article]
Source: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (2000) 3. p.7
Applying science models for search [collection article]
Source: Hülsbusch, 2011
(Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, 58)
Mehrwertdienste für das Information Retrieval: das Projekt IRM [conference paper]
Source: Ergon Verl., 2013
A model for the integration of interactive visualizations into the process of information searching and linking on the Web [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 39 (2014) 3. p.179-192