Hits 1-10 within 15 documents
'Grüß Gott!' - Stigmatisationen zwischen Selbstinszenierung und Imitation: Versuch zur Be-Deutung des Allgemeinen im individuellen Besonderen [journal article]
Source: Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik, 30 (2006) 3/4. p.91-109
The role of the family in socializing the autistic children: a study in Bangladesh [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2015) 55. p.70-85
On the theory of social innovations: Tarde's neglected contribution to the development of a sociological innovation theory [monograph]
Source: Beltz Juventa, 2015
Länderübergreifende Innovations- und Wissensnetzwerke: eine empirische Studie in der pharmazeutischen Industrie [phd thesis]
Source: Hampp, 2008
(Nürnberger Edition zum Internationalen Management, 4)
The Influence of Facial Attractiveness on Imitation [journal article]
Source: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45 (2009) 6. p.1295-1298
Faking, forging, counterfeiting: discredited practices at the margins of mimesis [conference proceedings]
Source: transcript Verlag, 2018
(Edition Kulturwissenschaft)
Advice seeking network structures and the learning organization [journal article]
Source: Problems and Perspectives in Management, 9 (2011) 2. p.63-70