Hits 1-10 within 31 documents
Konventionelles und elektronisches Publizieren am Beispiel des Vorlesungsverzeichnisses der Universität Würzburg [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 23 (1998) 1/2. p.358-365
Open Access Publishing (Editorial) [journal article]
Source: Politics and Governance, 1 (2013) 2. p.102-103
The European sciences: How "open" are they for women? A review of the literature [collection article]
Source: universaar, 2012
(Saarbrücker Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft)
Генезис и обреченность дигитальных книг [journal article]
Source: European Researcher: Series A, 109 (2016) 8. p.468-477
'Harvards' and 'have-nots' on a level playing field: Open Access as a publication model for contemporary area studies [journal article]
Source: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 28 (2009) 1. p.3-8
Open Access: Wissenschaft als Öffentliches Gut [journal article]
Source: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5 (2004) 2
An exploratory study of Google Scholar [journal article]
Source: Online Information Review, 31 (2007) 6. p.814-830