Hits 1-10 within 126 documents
Working in the Berlin Techno Scene: Theoretical Sketch of an Electronic Music “Scene Economy” [journal article]
Source: Journal der Jugendkulturen, (2011). p.9
Methodology of comparative socio-economic assessment of business at the sub-Federal level [journal article]
Source: Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine, (2012) 9. p.5
An introduction to the IWH FDI Micro Database [journal article]
Source: Journal of Contextual Economics : Schmollers Jahrbuch, 131 (2011) 3. p.529-546
The methodological features of managing the value of companies introducing "green" innovations [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, (2012) 3. p.35-43
The development of small innovative enterprises through harmonising economic interests [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, (2012) 3. p.25-34
Russische Krise 1998: eine Gesellschaft auf der Suche nach Stabilität [journal article]
Source: ZA-Information / Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, (1999) 44. p.64-74