Hits 1-10 within 385 documents
Children's reports of parents' education level: does it matter whom you ask and what you ask about? [journal article]
Source: Survey Research Methods, 4 (2010) 3. p.127-138
Why did distinct types of dual-earner models in Czech, Slovak and East German societies develop and persist? [journal article]
Source: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 22 (2010) 3. p.266-288
Protest leadership and repertoire: a comparative analysis of peasant protest in Hunan in the 1990s [journal article]
Source: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 42 (2013) 2. p.167-194
Von der Geselligkeit zur Emanzipation: organisierte Frauenrechtlerinnen in Berlin und Krakau um 1900 [journal article]
Source: WZB-Mitteilungen, (2011) 132. p.25-28
Rezension: Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Sladana Sakac Magdalenic, Christof Wolf (Hrsg.), 2009: International vergleichende Sozialforschung [review]
Source: Methoden, Daten, Analysen (mda), 3 (2009) 1. p.120-122
Comparative Party System Analysis in Central and Eastern Europe: the Case of the Baltic States [journal article]
Source: Studies of Transition States and Societies, 3 (2011) 3. p.83-104
Elite (un)conspicuousness: theoretical reflections an ostentation vs. understatement [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 37 (2012) 1. p.209-222
Literaturbesprechung zu: Wlodzimierz Wesolowski, Kazimierz M. Slomczyński, Bogdan W. Mach (eds.): Social mobility in comparative perspective. Wroclaw et al. 1978 [review]
Source: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 32 (1980) 4. p.801-803