Hits 1-10 within 202 documents
Das Ziehen von Stichproben mit Hilfe des Programmpakets OSIRIS [journal article]
Source: ZUMA Nachrichten, 4 (1980) 7. p.16-34
An Introduction to Social Semantic Web Mining & Big Data Analytics for Political Attitudes and Mentalities Research [journal article]
Source: European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 4 (2015) 1. p.40-62
Алгоритм С. Малкина как инновация при обучении поиску решения творческих задач [journal article]
Source: Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine, (2014)
Methodological apparatus and algorithms state regulation of enterprises in industrial complex (regional industrial policy) [journal article]
Source: Modern Research of Social Problems, (2012) 1. p.17
Algorithm of outsourcing relations management [journal article]
Source: Modern Research of Social Problems, (2012) 1
Key Directions of Sectoral and Spatial Changes in the Russian Industry [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, (2015) 3. p.121-134
Datenschutz im Zeitalter von Big Data: wie steht es um den Schutz der Privatsphäre? [journal article]
Source: Stadtforschung und Statistik : Zeitschrift des Verbandes Deutscher Städtestatistiker, 29 (2016) 1. p.59-64