Hits 1-10 within 2393 documents
Vom Babyboom zur älter werdenden Gesellschaft [journal article]
Source: Statistisches Monatsheft Baden-Württemberg, (2012) 4. p.13-18
Migrations- und ungleichheitsbedingte Missverständnisse in der Schule [journal article]
Source: interculture journal: Online-Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien, 11 (2012) 19. p.33-41
Internal migration and the condition of female construction workers: a study in Chittagong city [journal article]
Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, (2015) 46. p.1-13
Chinese Employers and Their Ugandan Workers: Tensions, Frictions and Cooperation in an African City [journal article]
Source: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43 (2014) 1. p.139-176
Migration und Integration: Anstoß zur sozio-kulturellen Veränderung ländlicher Regionen durch internationale Migration [journal article]
Source: Europa Regional, 24.2016 (2017) 3-4. p.62-76
Migrations rurales, accès au foncier et rapports interethniques au sud du Borgou (Bénin): une approche méthodologique plurielle [journal article]
Source: Afrika Spectrum, 39 (2004) 3. p.359-380
Sociological analysis of the migratory processes of the big city [journal article]
Source: Modern Research of Social Problems, (2012) 2. p.13