Hits 1-10 within 515 documents
Bridging the gap between collaborative and realist evaluation: A general critique and case study of European Union employment policies [journal article]
Source: International Journal of Action Research, 1 (2005) 3. p.311-338
European employer organisations: structure and recent developments
Source: Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 5 (1998) 2. p.218-235
Aid donor meets strategic partner? The European Union's and China's relations with Ethiopia [journal article]
Source: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 42 (2013) 1. p.7-36
Die Entsenderichtlinie: Entscheidungsprozeß und Rückkopplungen im Mehrebenensystem [journal article]
Source: Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 4 (1997) 2. p.125-148