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@article{ Chan-Tack2014,
 title = {The case for spatially-sensitive data: how data structures affect spatial measurement and substantive theory},
 author = {Chan-Tack, Anjanette M.},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {315-346},
 volume = {39},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Innovations in GIS and spatial statistics offer exciting opportunities to examine novel questions and to revisit established theory. Realizing this promise requires investment in spatially-sensitive data. Though convenient, widely-used administrative datasets are often spatially insensitive. They limit our ability to conceptualize and measure spatial relationships, leading to problems with ecological validity and the MAUP – with profound implications for substantive theory. I dramatize the stakes using the case of supermarket red-lining in 1970 Chicago. I compare the analytical value of a popular, spatially insensitive administrative dataset with that of a custom-built, spatially sensitive alternative. I show how the former constrains analysis to a single count measure and aspatial regression, while the latter’s point data support multiple measures and spatially-sensitive regression procedures; leading to starkly divergent results. In establishing the powerful impact that spatial measures can exert on our theoretical conclusions, I highlight the perils of relying on convenient, but insensitive datasets. Concomitantly, I demonstrate why investing in spatially sensitive data is essential for advancing sound knowledge of a broad array of historical and contemporary spatial phenomena.},
 keywords = {Nachbarschaft; zone; Datengewinnung; regionale Faktoren; regional factors; Raum; Stadtsoziologie; Stadtforschung; neighborhood; analysis; Einzelhandel; research approach; urban sociology; Forschungsansatz; statistics; urban research; retail trade; Statistik; data capture; Analyse}}