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@article{ Sokolov1991,
 title = {From the countryside to the cities: a comparative historical analysis of rural-urban migration in Russia and in the Soviet Union during the industrialization drive},
 author = {Sokolov, Andrej K.},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {110-127},
 volume = {16},
 year = {1991},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Voraussetzungen und Umstände in der UdSSR der 30er Jahre, die zu der bisher wohl schnellsten Verstädterung in der Weltgeschichte geführt haben. In der Periode von 1926 bis 1939 zogen ungefähr 19 bis 23 Millionen Landbewohner in die Städte (Zensusdaten). Der Autor fragt nach den 'pull'-Faktoren für diese Entwicklung: Löhne, Unabhängigkeit, Lebensstil oder etwas anderes? Eine mögliche Antwort geben die Zensusdaten des Jahres 1918. Das neu installierte Paßwesen mit der Meldepflicht erlaubte es der kommunistischen Regierung, die für die forcierte Industrialisierung erforderliche Migration politisch zu steuern. (pmb)'The author investigates the prerequisites and circumstances of the most rapid urbanization in world history which took place in the USSR during the 1930s. The work is based on mass statistic sources, for instance, a cencus of 1918. The author of the paper was one who actively participated in processing the original data of that cencus. What were primary 'pull' factors in the cities: salaries, independency, new style of living or something else? Some possibilities for answering these questions exist on the basis of the 1918 cencus data. The courses of passport system in the USSR and the courses of 'propiska' (a stamp in one's passport which indicates a person's residence) are analysed. The reason for this was an attempt of the Soviet government to stop uncontrolled migration.' (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Industrialisierung; post-socialist country; urbanization; Migration; city-country relationship; Russland; industrialization; Russia; migration; USSR; postsozialistisches Land; UdSSR-Nachfolgestaat; USSR successor state; socialist state; UdSSR; Stadt-Land-Beziehung; Urbanisierung; sozialistischer Staat}}