Hits 1-10 within 1038 documents
Impact of social media on power relations of Korean health activism [journal article]
Source: Media and Communication, 2 (2014) 2. p.72-83
Political Participation and Power Relations in Egypt: The Scope of Newspapers and Social Network Sites [journal article]
Source: Media and Communication, 5 (2017) 2. p.53-63
An Introduction to Social Semantic Web Mining & Big Data Analytics for Political Attitudes and Mentalities Research [journal article]
Source: European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 4 (2015) 1. p.40-62
The Impacts of Global Inequality in Social Networks: Examined in Three Major Theories [journal article]
Source: Journal of Cyberspace Studies, 1 (2017) 1. p.61-87
O Brave New World: The Dark Side of Cyberspace [journal article]
Source: Journal of Cyberspace Studies, 1 (2017) 1. p.19-35
Cultura do Estupro: uma análise de conteúdo sobre a percepção dos usuários via Twitter [journal article]
Source: Idealogando: revista de ciências sociais da UFPE, 1 (2017) 1. p.75-84
Recapturing the Gefahrengebiet: (Klobürsten-)Proteste in der "Kreativen Stadt" [journal article]
Source: kommunikation @ gesellschaft, 15 (2014). p.29