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Coesione sociale e modelli di welfare in Europa
Social cohesion and welfare models in Europe
[journal article]
Abstract We use EVS-WVS data to test our hypothesis about the contextual dependence of cohesion in Europe. In particular, we apply Bayesian Networks to describe the emergence of Social Cohesion in different welfare models. The creation of different networks for each Welfare model aims at demonstrating that a... view more
We use EVS-WVS data to test our hypothesis about the contextual dependence of cohesion in Europe. In particular, we apply Bayesian Networks to describe the emergence of Social Cohesion in different welfare models. The creation of different networks for each Welfare model aims at demonstrating that a different way to manage Social Policies creates different paths of Social Cohesion. Political participations, civil engagement and positive social ties are fundamental dimensions, producing Social Capital, while social cohesion requires further dimensions too, as the presence of structural dynamics (equity, granted public services) and the increase in satisfaction. The mechanisms detected are similar enough from different areas, with interesting specificities for Mediterranean, Social-Democratic and Post-communist models.... view less
EVS; welfare economics; Europe; social policy; political participation; citizens' involvement; welfare
Social Policy
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EVS 1990; EVS 1999; EVS 2008; EVS 2017
Document language
Publication Year
p. 89-110
Quaderni di Sociologia, 45 (2021) 87
Issue topic
Changing values in a changing world? Italy in the European Values Study and World Values Survey (2018)
Published Version; peer reviewed
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