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@article{ Paulson2022,
 title = {Public acceptance of post-growth: Factors and implications for post-growth strategy},
 author = {Paulson, Lily and Büchs, Milena},
 journal = {Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies},
 pages = {1-15},
 volume = {143},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {0016-3287},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Growing evidence supports the need to re-evaluate the nature and function of our economies in favour of post-growth principles if we are to have a socially and environmentally viable future. This study contributes to the discussion on how to achieve such a future by addressing a remaining gap in the literature about the public acceptance of post-growth, since a viable transition requires public support to validate political actions. Taking a mixed-methods approach, we ask which values and socio-economic characteristics are associated with support for post-growth and why. On average among 34 European countries, 60.5 % of people are in favour of post-growth. Values such as environmentalism, collectivism and post-materialism were found to support post-growth visions of the future, but support for post-growth and these values is lower among disadvantaged people. We conclude that greater emphasis on redistribution and improving opportunities and livelihoods for disadvantaged people in a post-growth economy is key to making such a future more acceptable to them. However, this conflicts with policy preferences and values such as hierarchy, meritocracy, and individualism that tend to be more prominent among people who are well-off.},
 keywords = {EVS; EVS; Wert; value; sozioökonomische Faktoren; socioeconomic factors; Gleichberechtigung; equality of rights; Wirtschaftswachstum; economic growth; Zukunft; future; Umweltschutz; environmental protection; Kollektivismus; collectivism; Postmaterialismus; post-materialism}}