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@incollection{ Huxhold2023,
 title = {Lonely and excluded: A downward spiral? An investigation in Germany before the COVID-19 Pandemic},
 author = {Huxhold, Oliver and Suanet, Bianca},
 editor = {Arpino, Bruno},
 year = {2023},
 booktitle = {Loneliness and social exclusion among older Europeans before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic},
 pages = {16-19},
 address = {Florenz},
 publisher = {JPI-MYBL Associazione Neodemos},
 isbn = {978-88-32003-04-8},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Loneliness and the feeling of being excluded from society both arise from the unsatisfied need to belong, and these negative experiences tend to reinforce each other over time, the authors note. The longer people feel lonely, the less they perceive themselves as valued members of society.},
 keywords = {Einsamkeit; solitude; Segregation; segregation; Erwachsener; adult; alter Mensch; elderly; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}