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@article{ Rotem-Mindali2014,
 title = {Rail transportation and core-periphery reliance in Israel},
 author = {Rotem-Mindali, Orit and Gefen, Dor},
 journal = {Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis},
 number = {2},
 pages = {113-127},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2067-4082},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Many policy makers suggest that rail is the solution for the development of the periphery, often conceived as a space suffering from under-development and lack of accessibility to the core. However, this policy, promoted around the world, does not consider core-periphery reliance as one of the rail investments' impacts. This study will examine the question: to what extent does the peripheral city, connected to the rail service, has a larger reliance on the core city? This study is a cross-sectional study that focuses on the passenger rail of an existing line to the periphery and of a planned line. The research reveals that rail does not necessarily induce the local development of the periphery but it induces larger reliance on the core.},
 keywords = {Israel; Israel; Eisenbahn; railroad; Schienenverkehr; rail traffic; Zentrum-Peripherie; center-periphery; Raumplanung; spatial planning; regionale Entwicklung; regional development; Pendler; commuter; regionale Mobilität; regional mobility}}