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@article{ Macía Arce2012,
 title = {Consumption of advanced internet services in the enterprises sector: The spread of telework in the metropolitan area of Madrid},
 author = {Macía Arce, José Carlos and Armas Quintá, Francisco José},
 journal = {Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis},
 number = {1},
 pages = {51-61},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2067-4082},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {One of the pillars of the technological revolution that began in the seventies was
the development of the Internet. This network has evolved in such a way that it now forms
a complex structure that radically changed the social and economic dynamics at the end of
century XX. Nowadays, new technologies allow anything from communication and
information exchange to the realization of complex financial transactions, all from anywhere
in the world and almost instantaneously. In spite of the widespread use of the Internet,
there are still territories and inhabitants, mostly emplaced in remote rural areas, who live
outside of this technological revolution. By contrast, urban areas enjoy a privileged position
in the dissemination of the information society by concentrating most of the
telecommunications infrastructure and monopolize the most qualified people. But there are
many disparities in terms of diffusion of new technologies and these will transfer, in turn, to
the enterprise sector which is the subject of this research. The differences in the use of
new technologies and more specifically the use of advanced services on the Internet are
related to the sector where the population is employed and its level of training. One of the
advanced services offered by the Network is teleworking. Nowadays there are companies
that offer their employees the opportunity to develop their professional activities outside
their headquarters, using their homes as an alternative or call centers enabled with
computers and Internet access. The purpose of this research is the study of the
consumption of Internet advanced services by companies in the metropolitan area of
Madrid, analyzing the spread of telework in more detail,a potential offered by new
technologies and which may modify the current pattern of mobility in the main urban areas
because it is from here where big companies are guiding the global economy.},
 keywords = {neue Technologie; new technology; Internet; Internet; Telearbeit; telecommuting; Unternehmen; enterprise; Organisation; organization; Informationsgesellschaft; information society; Spanien; Spain}}