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@article{ Harteveld2021,
 title = {Ticking all the boxes? A comparative study of social sorting and affective polarization},
 author = {Harteveld, Eelco},
 journal = {Electoral Studies},
 pages = {1-11},
 volume = {72},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {0261-3794},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This study explores whether, in societies around the world, affective polarization - or animosity between citizens based on their political allegiance - is stronger if political divisions align with non-political ones. Such 'social sorting' has earlier been established to foster affective polarization in the United States. In this study, I argue that the underlying mechanism travels across the globe. I then present two complementary studies which confirm this hypothesis. First, I employ CSES data to predict the level of affective polarization by social sorting at 119 elections in 40 countries, showing that greater alignment of partisan divisions with non-political divisions in a society (along the lines of income, education, religion and region) is associated with stronger dislike towards political outgroups. Second, using Dutch panel data, I show that individuals who fit the socio-demographic 'profile' of their party better tend to be more affectively polarized. This has important implications for our understanding of affective polarization.},
 keywords = {politisches Verhalten; political behavior; politische Identität; political identity; Polarisierung; polarization; internationaler Vergleich; international comparison}}