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@incollection{ Weßels2022,
 title = {Leaving the Space - Opening the Gap? Electoral Effects of Parties' and Voters' Repositioning},
 author = {Weßels, Bernhard},
 editor = {Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger and Roßteutscher, Sigrid and Schoen, Harald and Weßels, Bernhard and Wolf, Christof},
 year = {2022},
 booktitle = {The Changing German Voter},
 pages = {50-77},
 address = {Oxford},
 publisher = {Oxford University Press},
 isbn = {978-0-19-884751-9},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Examining the German case in the wider Western European context for the period 1996-2017, the chapter investigates the role of supply and demand factors for vote switching in general and switching to right-wing populist parties in particular. Combining survey data from the CSES with party data from the Manifesto Project, the chapter shows that the growing success of right-wing populist parties, in Germany just as in other Western European countries, was a response to programmatic moves of mainstream center-left and center-right parties to the left. In general, voters’ movements between parties did not follow a symmetric pattern. Changes to parties further left came about as responses to increasing voter-party distances on the socio-economic dimension. In the more recent past, switches to parties further right and, in particular, right-wing populist parties like the German AfD became more frequent, and they were associated with increasing distances on the socio-cultural dimension.},
 keywords = {Wahlverhalten; voting behavior; Wechselwähler; en: floating voter oder swing voter?; Partei; party; Präferenz; preference; politische Rechte; political right; Populismus; populism; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}