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@article{ Pohlmann2021,
 title = {It's not enough to be right! The climate crisis, power, and the climate movement},
 author = {Pohlmann, Angela and Walz, Kerstin and Engels, Anita and Aykut, Stefan C. and Altstaedt, Sören and Colell, Arwen and Dietrich, Udo and Feddersen, Hauke and Friedrich, Annabarbara and Klenke, Jan and Krieger, Franziska and Schenuit, Felix and Datchoua-Tirvaudey, Alvine and Schulz, Markus and Zengerling, Cathrin},
 journal = {Gaia : ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft},
 number = {4},
 pages = {231-236},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {0940-5550},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The demands of the climate movement - for rapid and profound change - are based on scientific findings and the political commitments to the Paris Agreement. The activists are, therefore, factually "right". However, being right is not enough to justify or to accelerate the practical implementation of knowledge and decisions. We explain which social factors are at work, and how the climate movement can benefit if they incorporate these factors into actions for social change.},
 keywords = {Klimaschutz; climate protection; Klimawandel; climate change; Krise; crisis; Demokratie; democracy; Protest; protest; Protestbewegung; protest movement; Jugend; youth; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Kind; child; Demonstration; demonstration; politischer Prozess; political lawsuit; sozialer Wandel; social change}}