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@book{ Kloc-Nowak2022,
 title = {Staying in touch across space and time: Polish grandparents, geographic distance and the COVID-19 pandemic},
 author = {Kloc-Nowak, Weronika},
 year = {2022},
 series = {CMR Spotlight},
 pages = {7},
 volume = {1 (35)},
 address = {Warsaw},
 publisher = {University of Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research (CMR)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {How to bolster family ties across geographical distance? If your New Year resolution has been to improve relationships with your significant others amidst the pandemic, we have some expert advice for you. Polish grandparents with migrant families share their strategies for quality time together and effective online communication with their grandchildren, the younger and the older alike.},
 keywords = {Migration; migration; Familie; family; Großeltern; grandparents; Generationenverhältnis; Intergenerational relations}}