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@book{ Bartkowski2022,
 title = {Between complexity and unfamiliarity: preferences for soil-based ecosystem services},
 author = {Bartkowski, Bartosz and Massenberg, Julian R. and Lienhoop, Nele},
 year = {2022},
 series = {UFZ Discussion Papers},
 pages = {26},
 volume = {3/2022},
 address = {Leipzig},
 publisher = {Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ},
 issn = {1436-140X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Soils provide multiple benefits for human well-being, which are largely invisible to most beneficiaries. Here, we present the results of a discrete choice experiment into the preferences of Germans for soil-based ecosystem services. To tackle complexity and unfamiliarity of soils, we express soil-based ecosystem service attributes relative to the site-specific potential of soils to provide them. We investigate how knowledge about soils, awareness of their contributions to human well-being and experience with droughts and floods affect the preferences. We find substantial yet heterogeneous preferences for soil-based ecosystem services. Only some measures of familiarity exhibit significant effects on preferences.},