Endnote export


%T Algorithmic Self-Tracking for Health: User Perspectives on Risk Awareness and Coping Strategies
%A Festic, Noemi
%A Latzer, Michael
%A Smirnova, Svetlana
%J Media and Communication
%N 4
%P 145-157
%V 9
%D 2021
%K algorithmic selection; coping strategies; mHealth; risk awareness; self-quantification; self-tracking apps; societal risks; user perception; wearables
%@ 2183-2439
%U https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/4162
%X Self-tracking with wearable devices and mobile applications is a popular practice that relies on automated data collection and algorithm-driven analytics. Initially designed as a tool for personal use, a variety of public and corporate actors such as commercial organizations and insurance companies now make use of self-tracking data. Associated social risks such as privacy violations or measurement inaccuracies have been theoretically derived, although empirical evidence remains sparse. This article conceptualizes self-tracking as algorithmic-selection applications and empirically examines users' risk awareness related to self-tracking applications as well as coping strategies as an option to deal with these risks. It draws on representative survey data collected in Switzerland. The results reveal that Swiss self-trackers' awareness of risks related to the applications they use is generally low and only a small number of those who self-track apply coping strategies. We further find only a weak association between risk awareness and the application of coping strategies. This points to a cost-benefit calculation when deciding how to respond to perceived risks, a behavior explained as a privacy calculus in extant literature. The widespread willingness to pass on personal data to insurance companies despite associated risks provides further evidence for this interpretation. The conclusions - made even more pertinent by the potential of wearables' track-and-trace systems and state-level health provision - raise questions about technical safeguarding, data and health literacies, and governance mechanisms that might be necessary considering the further popularization of self-tracking for health.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info