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@article{ Bögelein2022,
 title = {Courtroom ethnography in the context of terrorism: a multi-level approach},
 author = {Bögelein, Nicole and Eppert, Kerstin and Roth, Viktoria and Schmidt-Kleinert, Anja},
 journal = {International Journal of Qualitative Methods},
 pages = {1-11},
 volume = {21},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1609-4069},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper addresses terrorism trials as sites of research and proposes an approach for the analysis of ethnographic data collected during these trials. The suggested approach offers multi-level analytical access, it centers around interactionist conceptions and knowledge discourses. The conceptual framework we suggest is spelled out in terms of how to observe and being sensitive of (re-)production of power structures inside the courtroom as well as in regard to relations imported into the courtroom. For this purpose, we integrate (i) the micro-level of courtroom interactions and (ii) (self-)presentation, (iii) the meso-level of knowledge (re)production and the establishment of knowledge orders and (iv) an intersectional perspective on gender, race, and class in knowledge discourses. By applying a multi-level approach, we open up new explanatory avenues to understand the constitution of terrorism as a socio-legal object. The methodical framework connects hitherto unconnected elements, that is, participants' interactions and negotiation, their (self-)representations, ascriptions and narrative performances, and knowledge (re-)production in order to establish or maintain political and social orders.},
 keywords = {Terrorismus; terrorism; Gerichtsverhandlung; trial; Gerichtsverfahren; legal proceedings; Ethnographie; ethnography; Radikalisierung; radicalization; Intersektionalität; intersectionality; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}