Endnote export


%T Influence of Facebook Addiction on Study Habits of the Office Administration Students
%A Moreno, Rodolfo C.
%J Puissant
%P 27-38
%V 1
%D 2020
%K Facebook addiction; study habits; college students
%@ 2719-0153
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-76729-2
%X This  study  determined  the  influence  of  Facebook  addiction  on  study  habits  of  the second  year  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Office  Administration  students  during  the  second semester,  Academic  Year  2016-2017  in  the  College of  Business  Education  of  North  Luzon Philippines    State    College,    Candon    City,    Ilocos    Sur.    The    descriptive-comparative-correlational  method  of  research  was  utilized.    The  Bergen  Facebook  Addiction  Scale (BFAS) and Study Habits Questionnaire (SHQ) were used as tools in gathering data.  The mean,  t-test,  Pearson  Product  Moment  Coefficient  of  Correlation,  and  Linear  regression were  utilized  in  the  treatment  of  data.  Results  show  that  the  respondents  have  a moderate  degree  of  Facebook  addiction;  the  male  and  female  addiction to  Facebook differ.    There  is  a  high  study  habit  among  the  respondents  and  show  no  significant differences  in  their  profile.    Correlation  analysis  shows  that  the  dimensions  of  Facebook addiction,   namely:   salience,   tolerance,   mood   modification,   relapse,   withdrawal,   and conflict  are  significantly  correlated  with  overall  study  habits  by  the  respondents  which means  that  there  is  a  direct  yet  positive  correlation  between  the  two  variables.  Hence, the  higher  the  Facebook  addiction,  the  higher  the  study  habits  among  the  second  year BSOA  students  in  the  College  of  Business  Education.    Linear  regression  analysis  reveals that  addiction  in  using  Facebook  is  a  predictor  of overall  study  habits  among  the  BSOA second-year students.  It is recommended that the result of this study should inform the students  about  the  effects  of  Facebook  addiction  in  their  studies.  An  intervention program should be formulated as a means to strengthen the study habits of students.
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%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info