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@article{ Kvedaras2020,
 title = {Convergence of income distributions: Total and inequality-affecting changes in the EU},
 author = {Kvedaras, Virmantas and Cseres-Gergely, Zsombor},
 journal = {Economics Letters},
 pages = {1-6},
 volume = {188},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1873-7374},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {By adapting the statistical framework suggested by Székely and Rizzo (2004) and considering the convergence of income distributions instead of aggregate (e.g., average) income, we exploit the scale-independence property of proper inequality metrics to evaluate not only the total but also the inequality-affecting (shape-influenced) convergence of income distributions. We illustrate the application using Monte Carlo experiments and characterizing the convergence of net equivalized income distributions among European Union member states.},
 keywords = {Konvergenz; convergence; Verteilung; distribution; EU; EU; Einkommen; income; Ungleichheit; inequality; Einkommensverteilung; income distribution; Einkommensunterschied; difference in income}}