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@book{ Hacker2021,
 title = {The Socio-Psychological Dynamics of Conspiracy Theories: Is "Q" a Warning Sign for the Future?},
 author = {Hacker, Erik},
 year = {2021},
 series = {Bericht / Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik},
 pages = {25},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik (oiip)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Conspiracy theories have been surging worldwide since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only can they have considerable negative impact on a societal level, they are also capable of disrupting individual lives. Along commonly asked questions, this extended factsheet provides an overview of socio-psychological theories that explain belief in conspiracy theories in general. This framework is then applied to empirical data on the QAnon conspiracy movement in order to illustrate theoretical assumptions. After a brief introduction of the concept of conspiracy mindset and related demographic groups, the focus is on the fulfillment of epistemic, existential and social motives from a multitude of perspectives: media landscapes, communities, ideological structures, addiction, and gamification. The factsheet is concluded with a variety of options for prevention and mitigation, and a discussion on the implications for the future of society in the context of deep fakes and the post-truth world.},
 keywords = {Sozialpsychologie; social psychology; Epidemie; epidemic; Prävention; prevention; soziale Faktoren; social factors; Ideologie; ideology}}