Bibtex export


@incollection{ Jungwirth2019,
 title = {Introduction: Gender and Diversity Studies - European perspectives},
 author = {Jungwirth, Ingrid},
 editor = {Jungwirth, Ingrid and Bauschke-Urban, Carola},
 year = {2019},
 booktitle = {Gender and Diversity Studies: European Perspectives},
 pages = {9-30},
 address = {Opladen},
 publisher = {Verlag Barbara Budrich},
 isbn = {978-3-8474-0948-9},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {EU; Antidiskriminierungsgesetz; gender studies; Gender Mainstreaming; gender; Interdisziplinarität; Gender; equal rights law; Diversität; Geschlechterforschung; Transdisziplinarität; interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinary; gender mainstreaming; equal opportunity policy; diversity; Gleichstellungspolitik; EU}}