Endnote export


%T Intermediate School Students' Participation in School Press in Kuwait
%A Alrajehi, Menawer Bayan
%J Media Watch
%N 1
%P 69-78
%V 9
%D 2018
%K School press; intermediate school; scholastic media; journalism; communication; media
%@ 0976-0911
%X The idea of this study has been emerged from the importance of school press in
enriching and enhancing the educational press, and it also contributes in detecting
talents early. The researcher has conducted this study on a random sample of 360
students from intermediate school in Kuwait. The results have revealed that the
majority of students in Kuwaiti schools participate in school press as the get the
required encouragement from their parents to write in school press, the students
also ensured that these activities do not affect their study level negatively. The
results indicate that the course newspaper is the most popular activity, in which
most students always participate, and the rest of students sometimes do. Also,
this study has shown that; there is a significant correlation between students'
participation rate in the activity of school press and their interest to read public
newspapers and magazines, and that elder students have more interest to
participate in school press, so, Students' participation rate in the activity of school
press varies significantly depending on the gender and grade
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info