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@article{ Qasem2019,
 title = {News Sources as a Propaganda Filter: The New York Times Coverage of Palestine and Kosovo Unilateral Approaches of Statehood Recognition},
 author = {Qasem, Amer and Hussein, Adnan bin},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {3},
 pages = {453-470},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {https:/},
 abstract = {This paper examines the New York Times performance about the use of news sources in reporting unilateral approaches of statehood recognition. Following a critical perspective, the Propaganda Model is employed as a theoretical thrust. It argues that the free accessibility granted to the voices of government and its international allies is among the filters that affect the construction of media discourse. Two case studies are selected fo juxtaposition, namely: Palestine and Kosovo. Both states are qualified to be internationally recognized according to international law theories. The unilateral approach of Palestine is firmly opposed by the U.S. government - unlike Kosovo. The analysis reveals a structural bias in favor of the U.S. foreign policy of statehood recognition. The news sources were positioned in a dichotomous order: “our” voices versus “theirs.” Specific news sources (i.e., the Russians) holding “opponent” views have been either completely suppressed or reverberated the voices of the “others/enemies.”},