Endnote export


%T Features of assessment of levels of acmeological competence among future shipping navigators in the process of learning activities
%A Kalashnik, Mykola
%J EUREKA: Social and Humanities
%N 2
%P 38-43
%D 2021
%K future ship navigators; acmeological competence; criteria and indicators of assessment; levels of formation; actual
%@ 2504-5571
%X The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the formation of acmeological competence of future navigators in the process of their professional training. And taking into account the specifics of their professional activities, the main objects of pedagogical diagnostics of the formation of the level of acmeological competence of future navigators are: acme-awareness, acme-praxis, acme-quality, acme-ability, acme-properties, value orientations and motivation, activity of interaction with the external environment, the effectiveness of subject-cognitive activity. The key in pedagogical measurement is the definition of assessment criteria corresponding to the indicators of the named education. According to the main provisions of the theory of pedagogical measurement, the article highlights the criteria for the formation of the acmeological competence of future navigators with the corresponding indicators of their manifestation, the distribution of which is determined by: motivational, cognitive, praxeological and personal criteria, makes it possible to effectively evaluate the corresponding complexes of indicators of the state of formation of acmeological competence. In addition, in the course of the study, a three-level system of forming the acmeological competence of future navigators was propaned: low, medium and high. Where the highest level of formation of acmeological competence is characterized as - the level of actual "acme", which future navigators must achieve in their personal and professional development while studying in educational institutions.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info