Endnote export


%T Access to justice in the time of pandemic: functioning of legal aid forms in North Macedonia
%A Shushak Lozanovska, Ivona
%A Shapkoski, Vesna
%J Journal of Liberty and International Affairs
%N 1
%P 70-78
%V 7
%D 2021
%K Justice; Legal Aid; COVID-19; Law Clinic; Civil Society; Practice; Legislation; Republic of North Macedonia
%@ 1857-9760
%X The international community has significantly increased its focus on the improvement of justice systems around the world, in recent years. With the increase in effort and interventions in the sector, there has been a need to create tools to assess justice systems, to identify the main elements affecting the workings of the justice machinery. In a context of increasing interest and engagement in justice systems reform, the ability of citizens to access justice institutions to address their needs has come to be seen as an essential element of development, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The Republic of North Macedonia has been dedicated in a certain amount to improving the access to justice following these global trends. However, the pandemic has brought to the surface many obstacles in the realization of these efforts and imposed serious issues that need to be further solved. In this paper, we will elaborate on the present situation in North Macedonia from the personal experience of law clinics and civil society organizations that work and contribute closely on this issue. Furthermore, we will identify particular points that need to be advanced and relevant stakeholders to be engaged, to improve the situation, and bring justice closer to everyone.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info