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@incollection{ Pető2006,
 title = {The theatre of historical sources: some methodological problems in analyzing post World War II extreme right movement in Belgium and in Hungary},
 author = {Pető, Andrea and Schrijvers, Klaartje},
 editor = {Waaldijk, Berteke},
 year = {2006},
 booktitle = {Professions and social identity: new European historical research on work, gender and  society},
 pages = {39-62},
 series = {Creating links and innovative overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the citizens of a growing Europe: Thematic work group 4, Work, gender and society},
 volume = {1},
 address = {Pisa},
 publisher = {Edizioni Plus - Pisa University Press},
 isbn = {88-8492-383-2},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Nachkriegszeit; post-war period; Belgien; Belgium; Ungarn; Hungary; Rechtsradikalismus; right-wing radicalism; politische Rechte; political right; Frau; woman; Gender; gender; politische Geschichte; political history; Geschichtsschreibung; historiography}}