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@article{ Große2020,
 title = {Professionalisierung fördern im Lehramt: Entwicklung eines reflexionsfördernden Sprachbildungsseminars mittels Design-Based Research},
 author = {Große, Maria and Saunders, Constanze},
 journal = {die hochschullehre},
 pages = {529-538},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2199-8825},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This paper presents the development, execution and evaluation of an integrative seminar model in teacher education (area: language-sensitive teaching), which was researched in two iterative cycles using design-based research (DBR). Advancing the professionalization of teachers, the seminar combined professional learning with opportunities for reflection; advancing the professionalization of the academic and quality of teaching, the seminar was systematically developed further. The results pertaining to the seminar showed a mixed picture in the student evaluation of the previous knowledge, the benefit and the handling of the competence-promoting learning opportunities; individual case studies show different courses of competence acquisition. Methodologically, the DBR approach proved to be appropriate, although the diversity of the learning activities posed a challenge for a workable approach in the research; the cooperation between academic and researcher proved to be of central importance.},