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@book{ Yu2020,
 title = {Leading by example in a public goods experiment with benefit heterogeneity},
 author = {Yu, Jing and Kocher, Martin G.},
 year = {2020},
 series = {IHS Working Paper},
 pages = {46},
 volume = {25},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Social dilemmas such as greenhouse gas emission reduction are often characterized by heterogeneity in benefits from solving the dilemma. How should leadership of group members be organized in such a setting? We implement a laboratory public goods experiment with heterogeneous marginal per capita returns from the public good and leading by example that is either implemented exogenously or by self-selection. Our results suggest that both exogenous and selfselected leadership only have a small effect on contributions to the public good. We do not find significant differences in contributions for exogenous and self-selected leadership. Leaders seem to need additional instruments to be more effective when benefits are heterogeneous.},
 keywords = {öffentliches Gut; nonmarket good; Heterogenität; heterogeneity; Führung; leadership; Führungskraft; executive}}