Bibtex export


@book{ Lechleitner2020,
 title = {Gremienbesetzung im Parlament},
 author = {Lechleitner, Marc},
 year = {2020},
 series = {Wahlperiode Brandenburg},
 pages = {25},
 volume = {7/15},
 address = {Potsdam},
 publisher = {Landtag Brandenburg, Parlamentarischer Beratungsdienst},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Parlament; parliament; Beratungsgremium; advisory panel; Ausschuss der Regionen; Committee  of the Regions; Landtag; Landtag; Brandenburg; Brandenburg; Enquete; inquiry; Kommission; board; Gerichtsentscheidung; court decision; Fraktion; faction; Mehrheitswahl; majority election; Opposition; opposition; politische Kontrolle; political control; Petition; petition; Richter; judge; Wahl; election; Verhältniswahl; election by proportional representation}}